It's me!

It's me!

вторник, 14 февраля 2012 г.

Results for Test at

Результаты прохождения теста "Passive Voice"

Вы ответили правильно на 14 из 15 вопросов, что составляет 93% от общего количества правильных ответов.
Посетителей, прошедших этот тест: 50136 (средний результат прохождения теста: 60,8%).
Ниже приведены Ваши ответы на вопросы теста с указанием правильных ответов. Ваши правильные ответы выделены зеленым цветом, неправильные - красным.
Ссылка на правилочитать
 1.  This situation is serious. Something must ..... before it's too late.  
be done<····· правильный ответ
have done
 2.  Over 57 million students ..... in American schools which range from kindergartens to high schools.  
were enrolled
are enrolled<····· правильный ответ
has been enrolled
 3.  Our plan ..... by the members of the committee.  
is being considered<····· правильный ответ
is considered
 4.  A cinema is a place where films ......  
are shown<····· правильный ответ
have been shown
 5.  Four people ..... in a train crash.  
have killed
have been killed<····· правильный ответ
 6.  Weekends ..... outdoors by most English people.  
are spended
are spent<····· правильный ответ
 7.  A new supermarket ..... next year.  
will be built<····· правильный ответ
will built
is building
 8.  Hundreds of people ..... by the new factory this year.  
are employed
were employed
have been employed<····· правильный ответ
 9.  They ..... this clock now.  
are repairing<····· правильный ответ
are being repaired
 10.  A famous architect ..... the bridge.  
was built
built<····· правильный ответ
have built
 11.  Tom ..... his key.  
has lost<····· правильный ответ
has been lost
was lost
 12.  Robert Burns ..... a lot of wonderful poems.  
wrote<····· правильный ответ
has written
was written
 13.  When the manager arrived, the problem ......  
had already been solved<····· правильный ответ
had already solved
had solved
 14.  The book ..... by Hardy.  
was written<····· правильный ответ
was wrote
 15.  Everybody ..... by the terrible news yesterday.  
was shocked<····· правильный ответ
is shocking

EngVocInUse - Unit 41

среда, 23 ноября 2011 г.

Hometask 24.11 - Unit 79 Eng Voc in Use

Hometask 24.11 - 10 sentences

1. The audience was waiting for a perfomnce.
2. The fake was found in the next morning.
3. The magician perfomed his new trick.
4. Those man was a gret pretender, so nobody could understand him.
5. When I come to the circus they always fix the stage.
6. Suddenly he vanished in the smoke.
7. He was a real traitor because of his behaviour.
8. It was a spoiled child, so he never knew good words.
9. He revealed the magician as a result of their war.
10.I began to suspect him few years ago.

среда, 26 октября 2011 г.

Hometask 27.10 - 10 Sentences

1) Online shopping is the best way to find and send a gift for you friend at special date.
2) If you visit a site by the first time, you can use guided tour service to learn about the site or a specialy deliveries service to know about delivery police.
3) Look at the contact us to find telephone numbers and other contact information of the shopping centre.
4) In the Music Centre you can find new releases of  the music connoisseurs.
5) In the bargain basement you can buy cheap CDs and a lot of other goods of the music centre.
6) You can add something to your account wish list to remember things you chosed and in future for instance you can buy it with special gift wrap.
7) Toyland and Gardener's corner are the best places for both of your children and parents.
8) Fasion parade and House and home are the places for ladies.
9) Man can go to the food hall and then of course to the Sports time.
10) There is the best store - Movie world in our mall!