15 Explanations
- 1) I read an article about the last accident.
- 2) The circulation of my favorite magazine is 400 000.
- 3) The very news was in the headline of the newspaper.
- 4) When I was a child I didn’t have a childminder.
- 5) In our country we have passports as an ID cards.
- 6) According the law the speed limit at the motorway is 110 km per hour.
- 7) Everybody must always wear seatbelt!
- 8) The judge thought no to take in advance this clue.
- 9) This crime was terrible and we must to find the guilty.
- 10 It is very unpleasant to realize that innocent man got the punishment.
- 11 The robber swore to kill the witness.
- 12 My attitude about this situation is a big secret.
- 13 My wife wants to be divorced.
- 14 There will be a real overcrowding in Moscow in few years.
- 15 I didn’t find any look-like between you and your sister.
I read an article about the last accident. - tense
ОтветитьУдалитьpassports as an ID cards. - singular - plural?
According the law - ac. TO the law - prove the use of "the"
The judge thought no to take in advance this clue. - thought - wrong word, not to take, word order is wrong
must to find the guilty. - must to? , guilty person
hat innocent man got the punishment. - article
attitude to
look-like - gr.
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attitude to/towards smth.