It's me!

среда, 23 ноября 2011 г.
Hometask 24.11 - 10 sentences
1. The audience was waiting for a perfomnce.
2. The fake was found in the next morning.
3. The magician perfomed his new trick.
4. Those man was a gret pretender, so nobody could understand him.
5. When I come to the circus they always fix the stage.
6. Suddenly he vanished in the smoke.
7. He was a real traitor because of his behaviour.
8. It was a spoiled child, so he never knew good words.
9. He revealed the magician as a result of their war.
10.I began to suspect him few years ago.
среда, 16 ноября 2011 г.
четверг, 10 ноября 2011 г.
среда, 26 октября 2011 г.
Hometask 27.10 - 10 Sentences
1) Online shopping is the best way to find and send a gift for you friend at special date.
2) If you visit a site by the first time, you can use guided tour service to learn about the site or a specialy deliveries service to know about delivery police.
3) Look at the contact us to find telephone numbers and other contact information of the shopping centre.
4) In the Music Centre you can find new releases of the music connoisseurs.
5) In the bargain basement you can buy cheap CDs and a lot of other goods of the music centre.
6) You can add something to your account wish list to remember things you chosed and in future for instance you can buy it with special gift wrap.
7) Toyland and Gardener's corner are the best places for both of your children and parents.
8) Fasion parade and House and home are the places for ladies.
9) Man can go to the food hall and then of course to the Sports time.
10) There is the best store - Movie world in our mall!
2) If you visit a site by the first time, you can use guided tour service to learn about the site or a specialy deliveries service to know about delivery police.
3) Look at the contact us to find telephone numbers and other contact information of the shopping centre.
4) In the Music Centre you can find new releases of the music connoisseurs.
5) In the bargain basement you can buy cheap CDs and a lot of other goods of the music centre.
6) You can add something to your account wish list to remember things you chosed and in future for instance you can buy it with special gift wrap.
7) Toyland and Gardener's corner are the best places for both of your children and parents.
8) Fasion parade and House and home are the places for ladies.
9) Man can go to the food hall and then of course to the Sports time.
10) There is the best store - Movie world in our mall!
среда, 19 октября 2011 г.
среда, 5 октября 2011 г.
Hometask 06.10 - Reading of Hercule Poirot Chapter 3
My reading in this file
вторник, 27 сентября 2011 г.
Hometask 28.09 - Reading of Hercule Poirot
My reading in this file
среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.
Hometask 21.09 - 15 explanations
15 Explanations
- 1) I read an article about the last accident.
- 2) The circulation of my favorite magazine is 400 000.
- 3) The very news was in the headline of the newspaper.
- 4) When I was a child I didn’t have a childminder.
- 5) In our country we have passports as an ID cards.
- 6) According the law the speed limit at the motorway is 110 km per hour.
- 7) Everybody must always wear seatbelt!
- 8) The judge thought no to take in advance this clue.
- 9) This crime was terrible and we must to find the guilty.
- 10 It is very unpleasant to realize that innocent man got the punishment.
- 11 The robber swore to kill the witness.
- 12 My attitude about this situation is a big secret.
- 13 My wife wants to be divorced.
- 14 There will be a real overcrowding in Moscow in few years.
- 15 I didn’t find any look-like between you and your sister.
пятница, 27 мая 2011 г.
Долги Юнит 7
Mr.Know-All VOC test CONT test
Essay Mr. Know-All
When I read the story by the first time I found Max Kelada may be an angry person. I don't like him at all. But the final scene changed my mind. Then I began to read the story one more time and Max Kelada appeared as an another person, who doesn't create bad opinion about him at all. I found Max Kelada very sociable person. Unfortunatly this is all I can say about him, because in common it was quite difficult for me to understand him.
A letter of advice
It is very good thet you are going to start your own business and I understand taht it must be very difficult.
The first thing I would to do would be to try a man who will help you with your business. Or you van find somebody who will look after your children.
Anyway remember that you children will only be young once and you really don't want ot miss out on this special time.
Good luck!
Word | Translation | |
1. | accommodation, n | жильё |
2. | thankful, adj | благодарный |
3. | berth, n | койка |
4. | to observe, v | наблюдать, замечать |
5. | scent, n | духи |
6. | bit of luck | счастливый случай |
7. | tactless, adj | бестактный |
8. | lustrous (eyes), adj | блестящий |
9. | liquid (eyes), adj | прозрачный, чистый, светлый |
10. | hair, n | волосы |
11. | sleek, adj | лоснящийся |
12. | fluency, n | плавность, беглость |
13. | to betray, v | изменять, предавать |
14. | prohibition, n | запрет (сухой закон) |
15. | cann’t help doing smt. | не могу не делать ч-л. |
16. | exasperating, adj | раздражающий |
17. | stateroom, n | отдельная каюта, купе |
18. | quoit, n | метательное кольцо |
19. | overweening, adj | слишком самоуверенный |
20. | to fetch, v | сходить за к-л, позвать |
21. | demeanour, n | поведение, манера вести себя |
22. | to diminish the value | уменьшить ценность |
23. | pearl, n | жемчуг |
24. | vehement, adj | сильный, неистовый, страстный |
25. | voluble, adj | говорливый, речистый |
26. | to thump, v | наносить тяжёлый удар, стучать |
27. | loquacity, n | болтливость |
28. | errand, n | задание, командировка |
29. | to smile grimly | отталкивающе улыбаться |
30. | afford, v | быть в состоянии, позволить себе |
31. | swarthy face | смуглое лицо |
32. | to faint, v | падать в обморок |
33. | effort, n | усилие |
34. | cocksure, adj | самоуверенный |
35. | scraping sound | шуршаший звук |
36. | envelope, n | конверт |
37. | porthole, n | боковой иллюминатор |
Долги Юнит 5
Our company also offer a variety of additional services which include hotel booking to help you stay in Poland.
MilanTours allows you to travel with comfort. All our coaches are non-smoking and have air conditioning.
During your journey we will try and make you as comfortable as possible. Light snacks and hot and cols drinks are served on all our trips.
With the lowest prices around we offer you unbeatable choice at unbeatable value. You can rely on us to make this a memorable experience for you.
Our company also offer a variety of additional services which include hotel booking to help you stay in Poland.
MilanTours allows you to travel with comfort. All our coaches are non-smoking and have air conditioning.
During your journey we will try and make you as comfortable as possible. Light snacks and hot and cols drinks are served on all our trips.
With the lowest prices around we offer you unbeatable choice at unbeatable value. You can rely on us to make this a memorable experience for you.
четверг, 26 мая 2011 г.
Долги Юнит 2
Music on the hill - Content test
When I was reading “The music on the hill” I was scared by the authors writing manner. The description of environment was quite boring, but such a somber type of narration makes you feel scared. It is neccessary to feel the same feelings like the heroes of the article. And if you are filled enough with an atmosphere of the article, it would be really cool for you. In addition I’d like to notice that the author succeeded in creating the scare story I think.
Unit 2 - Task 2
When I was reading “The music on the hill” I was scared by the authors writing manner. The description of environment was quite boring, but such a somber type of narration makes you feel scared. It is neccessary to feel the same feelings like the heroes of the article. And if you are filled enough with an atmosphere of the article, it would be really cool for you. In addition I’d like to notice that the author succeeded in creating the scare story I think.
Unit 2 - Task 2
№ | Words | Translation | Sentences |
1. | votaries | почитатель, приверженец | The real votary has its own place for the worship. |
2. | worship | поклонение, почитание | |
3. | vaguely | Неясно, смутно | I can only vaguely imagine the way past events have taken so mere after growth. |
4. | mere after growths | Всего лишь (совершенно) неожиданный поворот событий | |
5. | conviction | Убеждение, уверение | I have some convictions and it doesn't sound beastfully. |
6. | boastfully | хвастливо | |
7. | ventured | Решаться, отваживаться | He ventured to stop a bustle. |
8. | bustle, | Суета, переполох | |
9. | churns | мешалка | Can you help to fix this churns and flails? |
10. | flails | молотилка | |
11. | dairymaids | доярка | Once a dairymaid walked around the gaunt building… |
12. | gaunt | Удлинённый, вытянутый, мрачный | |
13. | crushing stillness and desolation | Уничтожающее спокойствие и разорение | Owls and cobwebs produce a sense of crushing stillness and desolation. |
14. | owls and cobwebs | Совы и паутины | |
15. | furtive watchful hostility | Незаметная осторожная враждебность | If you are lurking, you shouldn’t show furtive watchful hostility. |
16. | lurk | Скрываться в засаде | |
17. | coppice | Рощица, лесок | Go to a coppice. There restless stamp of hoof or rasp of chain wouldn’t disturb you! |
18. | restless stamp of hoof or rasp of chain halter | Не дающий покоя стук копыт или скрежет цепи | |
19. | muffled bellow | Приглушенное мычание | Stalled beasts uttered a muffled bellow. |
20. | stalled beast | Животные в стойле | |
21. | kennel | Конура | There is a kennel beyond the rick. |
22. | rick | стог | |
23. | wilderness of barn and byre | Уйма амбаров и коровников | We have wraith-like wilderness of barn and byre. |
24. | wraith-like | Призрачный | |
25. | sow | Свинья | Sow can’t even start a computation. |
26. | computation | Расчёт | |
27. | repel the unwonted intrusion | Предотвратить нежелательное вторжение | You should protect this cowshed from an unwonted intrusion. |
28. | cowshed | Хлев | |
29. | equivocal laughter | Двусмысленный, подозрительный смех | A tow-headed, wizen-faced yokel uttered an equivocal laughter. |
30. | a tow-headed, wizen-faced yokel | Светловолосый; взерошенный, с сухим лицом деревенщина | |
31. | begetter of | Причина, инициатор | The begetter of offence is a hidden mockery. |
32. | hidden mockery | Скрытая насмешка | |
33. | ambush | Находиться в засаде | Do resume to ambush, I saw trout-streams! |
34. | trout-streams | Косяки форели | |
35. | dusk | сумерки | I hate dusk in a nut copse. |
36. | nut copse | Ореховая роща | |
37. | youthful | Молодой | I was youthful and possessed a bunch of grapes. |
38. | bunch of grapes | Виноградная гроздь | |
39. | snatch | Схватить | I feel a contemptuous annoyance to people who snatch my time! |
40. | contemptuous annoyance | Презрительное раздражение | |
41. | to stroll | Бродить, прогуливаться | Don’t even think about to stroll around the tangle of undergrowth. |
42. | tangle of undergrowth | Беспорядочное подлесье | |
43. | scowl | Смотреть сердито | He not just scowled, he had unutterably evil eyes. |
44. | unutterably evil eyes | Невыразимо злые глаза | |
45. | to give a closer scrutiny to | Ближе рассмотреть | I gave a closer scrutiny to him and it’s appeared that he is a scoundrel! |
46. | scoundrel | Негодяй, мерзавец | |
47. | votive offering | Выдавание желаемого за действительное | Votive offering doesn’t meddle with my way of thought. |
48. | meddle with | Вмешиваться, трогать чужие вещи | |
49. | molest | Досаждать, заигрывать | He molested me and I retorted him! |
50. | retort | Возражать, резко отвечать | |
51. | orchards | Фруктовый сад | You should give a wide berth to orchards. |
52. | give a wide berth to | Обходить стороной | |
53. | horned beasts | Рогатый скот | Were it not for horned beasts, I would have been anxious to quit. |
54. | to be anxious to quit | Очень хотеть уехать | |
55. | self-contempt | Самопрезрение, неуважение | After a bit of self-contempt I made some afternoon’s ramble. |
56. | afternoon's ramble | Послеполуденная прогулка | |
57. | to be liable to do smth. | Быть склонным сделать что-то | Are you liable to see red? |
58. | to see red | Разозлиться | |
59. | paddock | Загон | He was adjudged to be locked in a paddock. |
60. | adjudge | Приговорить, присудить | |
61. | ample and cautious probation | Подробное выслушивание предупреждений | Despite her docile temper he hated ample and cautious probation |
62. | docile temper | Послушный характер | |
63. | meadow | Луг | Go to meadow and find reedy flute! |
64. | reedy flute | Тростниковая флейта | |
65. | heather-clad slopes | Склоны, покрытые вереском | Then you will see heather-clad slopes, but avoid straining bay of hounds in full chase. |
66. | straining bay of hounds in full chase. | Напряжённый лай преследующих собак | |
67. | to swell | Подниматься, надуваться | Then relentless chorus swelled. |
68. | relentless chorus | Безжалостный хор | |
69. | Capture | Поимка | The capture made me to paunt. |
70. | Pant | Задыхаться, тяжело дышать | |
71. | Stag | Олень-самец | Thence suddenly appeared a stag. |
72. | Thence | Оттуда | |
73. | favoured sanctuary | Привилегированное святилище | You shouldn’t lumber while being in a favoured sanctuary. |
74. | Lumber | Тяжело ступать | |
75. | whortle bushes | Кусты черники | Watch for your flanks. Don’t look at whortle bushes. |
76. | Flanks | Бока | |
77. | slew round | Поворачивать | He slew round looking frantically. He has huge antler spikes. |
78. | look frantically | Неистово, яростно смотреть | |
79. | huge antler spikes | Огромные острые рога | |
80. | Numb | Вызывать онемение, поражать | It numbed me, but I managed it with a throb of joy |
81. | throb of joy | С наслаждением | |
82. | to shriek | Пронзительно кричать | If you smell an acrid smell, you would ought to shriek! |
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