It's me!

пятница, 22 апреля 2011 г.
четверг, 21 апреля 2011 г.
Description of a town
Volgograd isn’t a capital but is well known for its history. This city is the hero of the Second World War; the citizens of this city are heroes. If you are here you will feel it. Being here you will have an opportunity to sightseeing and at the same time to have a resort rest! And of course as it is at the South of our country here you will find many traditional meals.
First of all when you visit Volgograd you can’t help visiting the Mamaev Hill. This is an unbelievable place in the city center, the hill 102 meters height.
This is the very place where the Soviet army began to win the Second World War. From the hill there is a spectacular view on the whole city.
Beside the Mamaev Hill there are: The marvelous Heroes Lane which is the main street in the city
Impressive Panoramic Museum "Stalingrad Battle"
and a lot of other heroically places.
As it has already mentioned here you can have a really resort rest. In Volgograd there are a lot of outstanding sandy beaches where you can lay all the day, swim in the Volga river or play volleyball. Anyway you will have the great time!
The very special thing in Volgograd is local meals. Here you will encounter such a new things (at least it was few years ago) as mustard oil, special sort of chops
and other very delicious things.
But one of them is exceptional. It is Volgograd crayfish! The taste of this river resident will take your mind away for a long time. And if you will taste it with a beer in the sauna at the bank of Volga you will think that you have all you need in your life. Here you will get enough crayfishes to remember this wonderful trip in Volgograd.
The Content and Vocabulary quiz of "Witche's loaves"
Essay for "Whitche's loaves"
I find this story very humorous. The reason is in the end of the story. I must say, that while reading I though that the end will be sad. Miss Martha has a sympathetic heart as narrator mentioned through the story. And this is the core! It was real fail! She tried to help a poor man, that's all. But instead she damaged may be his life or at least the deal of last his months. The problem was in mistaken thoughts about the man. He wasn't an artist, he was architect! The situation is ironic, the lead heroes are described very well to realize that you can predict the end of story, but...don't try to predict! It's fantastic turn of events. The best thing in this story is it's final.
I can say to sum up: “You shouldn't make a conclusion about a person by his form”
I can say to sum up: “You shouldn't make a conclusion about a person by his form”
Quizes about "The cask of amontollado"
The story based on words from "The cask of amontillado"
"The Great Insult"
It was very sunny day. I and my friend were walking through the park when suddenly encountered a strange woman. She began to preclude us to move. My friend asked her to get out of our way.
The next moment she became a big black bird and I began to doubt about a person stood in front of us. We felt a threat going from her. And then she made her deed. She found a weak point of my friend and hurt him. It was a great insult because she called my friend “Sconce”.
She disappeared but I vowed to revenge! ‘I will punish her’ I thought. I wanted the retribution.
The next day I was walking on the winding staircase at our house and perceived whither she had gone. I made another sufficient conclusion about her.
I went to the cave near the town. I thought that she absconded here. I realized I should be cautious. And with the leer I jumped inside. There were a lot of moulds everywhere in this extensive cavern walls.
I found her making a strange mixture in front of the fire in the cave. Without any words I caught her and fettered. She only looked at the iron staples and realized everything.
I left her there and when I was coming to the town gates I heard a moaning cry from those deep caves…
суббота, 16 апреля 2011 г.
16.04 - Thoughts of "The cask of Amontillado"
In order to explain my opinion about this story I must understand it well, but this time again it's hard for me unfortunatly.I didn't catch the core and the reason of the narrator's deed, so I can not be convinced in my opinion.
Anyway while reading the story I felt that in the end of the action there will be killing. I begin to suspect the narrator from the first words. I didn't like him. It's hard for me to explain why.
I hold that responsibility for any deed can't be a death. I maintain no one has right to kill.
So, to conclude I want to add I have doubts about correctness of my understanding, but I hope the idea of my belief is clear.
Anyway while reading the story I felt that in the end of the action there will be killing. I begin to suspect the narrator from the first words. I didn't like him. It's hard for me to explain why.
I hold that responsibility for any deed can't be a death. I maintain no one has right to kill.
So, to conclude I want to add I have doubts about correctness of my understanding, but I hope the idea of my belief is clear.
16.04 - Words from "The cask of Amontillado"
Word/Phrase | Transcription | Translation | |
Insult | оскорбление | ||
To vow | поклясться | ||
To revenge | отомстить | ||
Threat | угроза | ||
To be avenged | быть тем, кому отомстили | ||
Preclude | мешать | ||
Punish | наказать | ||
Impunity | безнаказанность | ||
Retribution | возмездие | ||
Deed | деяние | ||
To doubt | засомневаться | ||
Goodwill | доброжелательность | ||
Weak point | слабое место | ||
Connoisseurship | познание | ||
Differ from | отличаться | ||
Supreme | высший | ||
To encounter | случайная встреча | ||
Excessive warmth | непомерное теплота | ||
Motley | пестрый, как шут | ||
Consult you in the matter | посоветоваться с тобой по существу | ||
Tell Amobtillado from Sherry | отличить...от... | ||
Whither | куда | ||
Precieve | осознаваться | ||
Abscond | сбежать | ||
To stir | шевелиться | ||
Sufficient | обоснованный | ||
Sconce | канделябр | ||
Winding staircase | изгибающаяся лестница | ||
To be cautious | быть осторожным | ||
Gait | походка | ||
Gleam | слабый свет | ||
Cavern wall | стены пещеры | ||
Rheum | слезы | ||
Indeed | на самом деле | ||
Mould | плесень | ||
With a leer | с ухмылкой | ||
Nodded | |||
Extensive | просторный | ||
Azure | лазурь | ||
Serpent | змея | ||
Rampant | свирепствующий | ||
Fang | ядовитый зуб | ||
Motto | эпиграф | ||
Intermingling | смешиваюшийся | ||
Flagon | кувшин | ||
Jest | шутить | ||
Recoile a few paces | отступить на пару шагов | ||
Cloak | плащ | ||
Promiscuously | неразборчиво | ||
Circumscribing | ограничивающий | ||
Endeavour | стремиться | ||
To pry | вмешиваться | ||
Vain | тщетно | ||
Bewilder | сбить с толку | ||
Fetter | заковать в кандалы | ||
Iron staples | железные скобы | ||
Implore | умолять | ||
padlock | висячий замок | ||
Moaning cry | зывывающий плач, стон | ||
Hesitate | запнуться | ||
Tremble | дрожать | ||
Unsheathe | достать из ножен | ||
Yell | крик | ||
On account of | |||
Disturb | беспокоить |
пятница, 15 апреля 2011 г.
Advantages and disadvantages of studing abroad
In my opinion there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of studing abroad.
Firstly, you will have an opportunity to study foreing language, meeting the native speakers.
Secondly, it will be a change in your life and I'm convinced that it is one of the best thing that may
happen to you. Moreover, the different types of studing (in compare to you native study program) will make you mind broad.
On the other hand it will be quite difficult. First of all though it's very interesting, it's very difficult to study using foreing language. It will be neccessary to make a new friends but not everyone can easily find new friends. There a lot of shy persons around us. Finally your parents are so far away from you that you begin to miss them so that it can be a real trouble.
Anyway I hold that the studing abroad is the very good start for a good life. If you have an opportunity dont miss it!
Firstly, you will have an opportunity to study foreing language, meeting the native speakers.
Secondly, it will be a change in your life and I'm convinced that it is one of the best thing that may
happen to you. Moreover, the different types of studing (in compare to you native study program) will make you mind broad.
On the other hand it will be quite difficult. First of all though it's very interesting, it's very difficult to study using foreing language. It will be neccessary to make a new friends but not everyone can easily find new friends. There a lot of shy persons around us. Finally your parents are so far away from you that you begin to miss them so that it can be a real trouble.
Anyway I hold that the studing abroad is the very good start for a good life. If you have an opportunity dont miss it!
Quizes about "Makes the whole world kin"
суббота, 2 апреля 2011 г.
02.04.11 - The story based on words from the "Makes the whole world kin"
- What was in the newspaper?
- Who told to my friend about paperhanger?
- Where was the cap?
- What friends decided to do when they reached vault?
- What happened at the end of this story part?
02.04.11 - Essay for "Makes the whole world kin"
Essay for "Makes the whole world kin"
To be honest, I must say, that I understood almost nothing from this story.
It's bad to realize that my real english level is far away from upper-intermediate (as I understand the stories for every lesson are taken from upper-intermediate book)I hardly can say that have an intermediate english level, but anyway I will try to write something.
In this story I liked the begining when the author gives the differense between burglas types and other information which make me think about coming burglary, it seems to be interesting. But then we encounter a very funny moment when the burglar and the house-keeper recognize that they have the same illness and instead of rob the burglar begin to discuss the problem with house-keeper. And finaly burglar helps the man to dress on, and behaves himself as if they were old friends. I find this moment funny.
I think that the author wanted to show that even among burglars there are good people may be. But I can be wrong (as I said it was difficult for me to understand the story).
But in my opinion this is the core.
To be honest, I must say, that I understood almost nothing from this story.
It's bad to realize that my real english level is far away from upper-intermediate (as I understand the stories for every lesson are taken from upper-intermediate book)I hardly can say that have an intermediate english level, but anyway I will try to write something.
In this story I liked the begining when the author gives the differense between burglas types and other information which make me think about coming burglary, it seems to be interesting. But then we encounter a very funny moment when the burglar and the house-keeper recognize that they have the same illness and instead of rob the burglar begin to discuss the problem with house-keeper. And finaly burglar helps the man to dress on, and behaves himself as if they were old friends. I find this moment funny.
I think that the author wanted to show that even among burglars there are good people may be. But I can be wrong (as I said it was difficult for me to understand the story).
But in my opinion this is the core.
02.04.11 - Words for the text
Yachting cap | Кепка яхтсмена |
Vanity | Суета |
Durable | Надежный |
Salient | Заметный |
Belong to | Принадлежать |
Vicious | Плохой |
Deprave | Портить |
Handcuffs | Наручники |
Paperhanger | Обои |
Nefarious occupation | Бесчестное занятие |
Wealthy | Богатый |
Matrimonial gallery | Свадебная галерея |
Attempt to | Попытаться |
Prowl | Воровать |
Dark lanterns | Потайной фонарь |
Gum shoes | Липкие ботинки |
Swathe | Обтянуть |
Dust protector | Пылезащита |
Vault | Хранилище ценностей |
Haul | Стащить |
Solace | Утешение |
Burden of his loneliness | Ноша одиночества |
Stick-pin | Грабеж |
Exorbitant | Непомерный |
Crumpled roll of bills | Мятый свиток счетов |
Utter a squeaky groan | Издать скрипучий стон |
Contortion | Искревленный |
Lineaments | Черты лица |
What's the metter with | Чот с ним |
Inflammatory | Воспаленный |
Afflict | Страдать |
Glance | Бросить взгляд |
Plunder | Вор |
Snap | Резко заговорить |
Old pal | Старый друг |
Hoist | Поднимать |
Claw | Лапа |
Rattlesnake oil | Масло (яд) гремучий змеи |
Buckeye | Дешевка |
Steady pain | Постоянная боль |
Relief | Облегчение |
Swell | Опухлость |
Steak | Полоса |
Humidity | Влажность |
Moisture | Влага |
Dilute | Разбавлять |
Thrust | кинуть |
Awkward | Неуклюжий |
Constrainedly | Невольно |
Concurre | соглашаться |
Salve | Мазь |
Get into one's duds | Одеть кого-то в его шмотье |
Tidal wave | Приливные волны |
Four-in-hand | Четверка лошадей |
Bluffly | Обрывисто |
пятница, 1 апреля 2011 г.
02.04.11 - Writing from WB Unit 4, pp 70-71
John Townsend is 24, he is a taxi driver. He lives in Glasgow, in Scotland.
Now the young man is a winner of 15 million pounds. The lucky driver have never played before but recently decided to try his luck. His winning six numbers were his mother and father's birthdays.
John was driving in taxi when suddenly heard the lottery results on the redio. At first he didn't believe in it but then he had to stop his taxi because he was so shoked! Finally Mr.Townsend explained to passenger the situation and asked to take another cab.
First of all, the lucky man immediately went to his job-offer to say that he isn't a taxi driver longer. Then he went to estate agency and bougth a villa at the island in Pacific ocean. Finally John and his girlfriend left Scotlan looking for new life and spending 15 million.
Now the young man is a winner of 15 million pounds. The lucky driver have never played before but recently decided to try his luck. His winning six numbers were his mother and father's birthdays.
John was driving in taxi when suddenly heard the lottery results on the redio. At first he didn't believe in it but then he had to stop his taxi because he was so shoked! Finally Mr.Townsend explained to passenger the situation and asked to take another cab.
First of all, the lucky man immediately went to his job-offer to say that he isn't a taxi driver longer. Then he went to estate agency and bougth a villa at the island in Pacific ocean. Finally John and his girlfriend left Scotlan looking for new life and spending 15 million.
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